With carrying we can transform function that takes multiple arguments intro sequence of functions that takes one argument.
Let's see an example:
function sum(a,b) {
return a + b;
sum function receives two arguments and returns sum of them.
Let's transform it into two sequence functions that take one argument:
function sum(a) {
return function(b) {
return a + b;
/* or if you want to use ES6 syntax */
const sum = a => b => a + b;
Now we can execute our functions in this way:
sum(2)(3); // -> 5
When we call sum function the first time it will return an anonymous function.
const addFive = sum(5); // addFive is a function!!! 💥
It gives us flexibility to compose our functions.
We can build helper functions and reuse them in our app.
const addTwo = sum(2);
const addFive = sum(5);
addTwo(3); // -> 5
addTwo(6); // -> 8
addFive(5); // -> 10
I makes our code more declarative