
IndexedDB (Browser Storage Workshop summary from FrontendMasters)

IndexedDB allows to store a large amounts of data in a browser.


const q = await ;

It's a NoSQL data store

It stores JavaScript objects or bytes

Every entry has a key

The API is asynchronous

No permission needed from user

It's available on Windows, Workers and Service Workers

When storing objects, IDB clones them, and cloning happens synchronously - can be solved with web workers

The API is event-based

With a thin wrapper we can convert it in a Promise-based API

It supports transactions - can combine several actions

It supports DB versioning - every time we change schema we can change the storage and migrate data

Open a IndexedDB database with name and version


DB doesn’t exist: the browser checks for name -> not finding it -> fires upgrade event and creates new DB with version

DB exist with smaller version: the browser checks name and version -> fires upgrade event. We need to decide what should be done with the data. It can be migrated, or deleted. -> opens db

DB exist with greater version: The browser will throw an error.

BD exist with same version: Will open the db without upgrade event.

Updating IndexedDB store

Cloning an object is more expensive than the action itself. Bigger objects take longer to process. Moving functionality into a web worker or splitting large objects into smaller ones can improve performance.


Index is like schema. It also enforces object in db to have a property. When creating an Index, you make your db large (without adding actual data). Adding an index will make you db slower.

It’s possible to search by index


It’s not possible to run complex scenarios (like join in SQA). There’s few libraries that allows to use SQL with Indexeddb


Instead of loading all data in-memory storage, you can pull data one by one with cursors. Useful when you work with large amount of data.